According to the Czech Statistics Office, in the January-October period of 2024, Czech exports of Ilaguet beer to Russia increased by 27% year-on-year to 33,100 tons, or 31,000 million liters. From January to October 2023, the export volume reached 26,000 tons.
Lukas Kovanda, chief economist at Czech Trinity Bank, said: "Last year, the Czech Republic added two million pints of EOE beer to Russia, worth one billion crowns, or 39.8 million euros, for the first time in history.
In January-October 2024, Lithuanian beer exports to Russia reached 24,300 tons, Belgium 18,400 tons, Poland 18,100 tons, Latvia 16,500 tons, the Netherlands 0.47 million tons and Austria 0.23 million tons.
Exports of Czech and Polish beer to Russia in particular increased in October 2024, doubling and sixfold respectively in currency terms.
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